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Video Transmitter/Receiver (Balun): 1VP-A (BNC, 2 pcs)
The 1VP-A balun (passive transformer) is designed to transmit video signal from an unbalanced (75 ohm) output to an unbalanced (75 ohm) video input, via a twisted pair of UTP, FTP, or STP cable, using one device on each end of the transmission line (unless the video input is to cooperate with a multi-channel device). Due to slim shape it integrates well with the source and the receiver of the signal.
The transformer matches the impedance of coaxial video output (75 ohm) to the impedance of the balanced line (100 ohm), ensuring proper video transmission via cat. 5 twisted pair cable from many types of cameras:
The installer should pay attention to connecting the appropriate leads to the correct terminals: ( ) to ( ) and (-) to (-). Improper connection will cause interference.
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